What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the ancient science and art of the insertion of disposable, sterile needles, which are the width of 2 human hairs, inserted into specific acupuncture points ranging from the top of the head to the toes. There are over 400 points on the body, each with it's own indications for use, which help gently nudge the body to heal.
At Laughing Lotus Acupuncture, we use evidence based acupuncture protocols. Acupuncture works regulating by the nervous system, which releases chemicals to the brain, muscles and spinal cord, and in turn, stimulates the body's natural healing abilities, promoting physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.
What is Five-Element Acupuncture?
Five-Element Acupuncture has been around for more than 3,000 years. The elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each element is represented in nature and the seasons, as well as in humans. As a practitioner of Five-Element acupuncture, Kari uses diagnostic skills to determine which element is most predominant, coupled with pulse and tongue diagnosis, as well as other factually based information, and then carefully crafts a treatment plan designed just for you, using points on the corresponding meridians. The ultimate goal is to treat the whole person, and bring the body and physical symptoms, the mind, including mental and emotional health, & the spirit back to balance within a short period of time.
The Five-Element theory was created thousands of years ago through observations that were made about the patterns that show up regularly in nature, most clearly seen during the change of seasons, for example, late summer into fall. Our qi, or vital energy, mimics the qi in nature, and follows the same cycles. Each of the Five Elements represent a distinct quality that is exemplified during the seasons, in nature. The qualities of each of the Five Elements exist in every living thing.
What is Moxibustion?
Moxibustion is the use of Mugwort, an herb, placed on or near the skin and heated. Moxibustion stimulates the flow of qi or energy in the body, by warming, moving, and building it. Moxibustion is used in conjunction with acupuncture, and is also sometimes advised for at-home use, with instruction. Moxibustion can be used to help turn a baby who is in the breech position.
What is Cupping?
Cupping is the placement of glass cups on the skin, which are then suctioned with a small pump. Cupping helps to decrease inflammation, encourages blood circulation to the area, releases toxin build-up, and decreases chronic or acute pain.
What is Gua Sha?
Gua Sha, also known as scraping, uses a flat tool made from Jade to move across the skin repeatedly. Gua Sha helps to decrease inflammation, encourages blood circulation to the area, releases toxin build-up, and decreases chronic or acute pain.
What does it mean to receive lifestyle and nutritional counseling?
In Chinese Medicine theory, as well as Five-Element theory, there are certain foods that aid in treating certain conditions, and by eating those foods, conditions will resolve. The same goes for different types of movement, exercise, or lifestyle habits. With 18 years of experience, Kari will craft suggestions based on your specific condition or goal
Will I have to take a lot of supplements?
Kari will make suggestions based on your needs, and aims to keep this list short as to not overwhelm you. It is also very important to know what the acupuncture is doing first, and therefore, Kari may not have you start your supplementation right away.
What is Kari's Philosophy?
Kari believes in treating the whole person, no matter what you are coming in for. This requires a detailed Initial Consultation, where you and Kari will discuss most, if not all aspects of your health, including emotional and mental health.
How often do I need to come to see result?
It is recommended to come in for treatment once a week for a period of 6-8 weeks, or longer if needed, to address all symptoms. By the 6-8 week mark, we reaccess the benefits that you are receiving, and most often you can start coming once every 2 weeks, and then once a month for maintenance. With Fertility and Pregnancy treatments, once a week until results are seen is recommended. As always, we can and will tailor this plan to your needs.
Does Kari take insurance?
No. Kari is not in-network with Arizona insurance companies. If you need a receipt to send to your insurance company, Kari will provide you with one. Please note that HSA and FSA funds can be used toward acupuncture treatments.
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